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Glass transport

2023-02-09 16:39:00

Glass transport

1. In the transportation process, we must pay attention to fixing and adding soft pads. It is generally recommended to use the upright method of transport. The driving of the vehicle should also pay attention to maintaining a stable and moderate speed.

2, the other side of the glass installation is closed, we should pay attention to clean the surface before installation. Z is best to use special glass cleaner, and to be dry after the confirmation of no stains before installation, Z is best to use clean construction gloves.

3, the installation of glass, to use silicone sealant to fix, in the installation of Windows, but also need to cooperate with the rubber seal.

4, after the completion of construction, attention should be paid to the anti-collision warning signs, generally can be used to do not stick, color electrical tape to prompt.

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